Lithotherapy Jewelry

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The Jewels of Lithotherapy.
In this collection on Lithotherapy related jewelry, we will take care of your inner well-being. Necklaces, bracelets, rings and all the jewelry generally used in Lithotherapy for the balance of energies and chakras.

The Benefits of Lithotherapy and Stone Jewelry.
It harmonizes your chakras and restores balance with the power of natural stones. These methods have been around since the dawn of time. Stress, confidence, energy imbalances and many other ailments will be relieved with Lithotherapy.

Lithotherapy jewelry, what does science say about it?
Industry and science use the powers and properties of stones.
Who nowadays could do without his quartz watch? Do you know that in each laser a stone is used to concentrate its beam (ruby or diamond)?

Inventions that use the power of stones.
The first quartz watch was invented in 1927. All modern watches use a quartz oscillator whose natural vibratory frequency is used to define time.
The first laser invented in 1960 was designed with a ruby. The red color of the laser is due to the ruby. In every laser, there is always a stone that focuses the light to create the laser beam.

Lithotherapy, a controversial science?
Even if Lithotherapy is not considered a science, it will bring you pleasure, well-being and serenity. Thousands of people around the world use stones to harmonize their inner balance. How to choose the stones for your mineral jewelry?

The role of the color of the stones.
In Lithotherapy, we will give importance to colors. Colors define the chemical components of minerals, their strengths and the vibrational frequencies of natural minerals. Each stone has its own unique vibratory force field. The natural magnetism of stones is also used. But nothing very complicated in Lithotherapy. Often, it is enough to be guided by thenatural attraction that the stones have on us.

The uses of the jewelry of Lithotherapy.
Lithotherapy is frequently used to facilitate the balance of the 7 chakras, but also for their neutralizing effect on low frequency waves. This is why the color of the stones is important, because it reflects its vibratory frequencies. In summary, we can say that stones are not magic, but they help, promote, improve and strengthen the balance. Lithotherapy, which natural stone to use ? Here is a list below of the properties generally supposed in Lithotherapy. It is not exhaustive and has no scientific basis.

Guide of the stones of Lithotherapy.

Digestion: Tiger’s eye, Red Jasper, Pyrite, Malachite, Rhodochrosite.
Rheumatism & arthritis: garnet, apatite, aquamarine, amber, pyrite and tourmaline.
Eyes or vision: chalcedony, aquamarine, emerald, agate, onyx and sapphire.
Respiratory tract, throat: Opals, Sodalite and Blue Topaz. It is also said that silver helps relieve sore throats.
Headaches or migraine: amethyst, azurite, diamond, lapis lazuli, malachite, moonstone, emerald and tiger’s eye.
The heart: Rhodonite, Carnelian, Morganite, Garnet, Rose Quartz, Aventurine, Ruby, Topaz and Turquoise.
Pancreas: Amethyst, Citrine, Garnet, Moonstone, Obsidian and Green Tourmaline.
Sciatica: Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Diamond, Emerald, Jasper, Carnelian, Pearl, Peridot, Ruby and Tiger Eye.

Disclaimer: We remind you that all illnesses must be treated and monitored by a physician. In no case, Lithotherapy can replace a medical advice or treatment. Lithotherapy is a help. It can promote, but must be considered as aesthetic and my medical.

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